Rose & Vine Florals
Your Favorite Florist in Downtown Regina
Same Day Flower Delivery. Valentines Day Flowers Pre Order your Flowers today for pick up or delivery. We will be open late for instore shopping.

Pre Order Valentines Day Flowers Now!!
Vased Arrangement Collection
Featured collection

4" Alberta Spruce in Holiday Tin

Maple Dip-Warm Maple Butter Coconut Soy 8oz Candle

Saint & Main - North Star Necklace

Wedding and Event Florals
Rose and Vine Florals provides custom wedding and event florals. Let us create you your dream wedding flowers from Bridal Bouquets to large scale installations.
Rose and Vine Florals
1928 12th Ave
Regina, SK
Fall/Winter Hours
Monday- 10am-4PM
Tuesday- 10am - 4PM
Wednesday 10am- 4PM
Thursday 10am -4PM
Fri 10am - 4PM
Saturday By Appointment
Sunday Closed